by Susan Jeffers
Internationally renowned author Susan Jeffers has helped millions of people overcome their fears and heal the pain in their lives with her simple but profound advice. Whatever your anxieties, Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway® will give you the insight and tools to vastly improve your ability to handle any given situation. You will learn to live your life the way you want – so you can move from a place of pain, paralysis, depression and indecision to one of power, energy, enthusiasm and action.
“This book really resonated with us. Not just as parents but in our own lives. We found that after reading it, whenever a difficulty arose, Susan Jeffrey’s advice would pop into our minds and immediately the mood would positively shift. Give it a go!”
by Janey Downshire and Naella Grew
“Teenagers Translated” provides a hands-on approach to managing your teen’s turbulent emotions and minimise confrontations. It will leave you feeling empowered and equipped, and help your teen to feel confident, happy and secure.
“We really found the book interesting and well written. Worthy of mention is the chapter dedicated to explaining the changes that occur in the teenage brain and how these changes influence behaviour. Overall a good resource to have when you embark on the teenage rollercoaster with your children.”
by Caroline Penney
“The Parenting Toolkit” is written as a manual for parents and it is based on how Caroline has helped hundreds of families in her practice as a family therapist, on the latest research in the area, and on her own experience as the mother of three children. It is about becoming a reflective parent instead of just reacting to situations as they happen. It is about making the often-small changes in how you relate to your child, that can result in dramatic transformations in your family life.
“A beautifully illustrated book that gives parents of younger children useful advice on a range of relevant topics such as: Looking after yourself, feelings, play, parenting styles, descriptive praise, understating your child’s behaviour and many more.”
by Mandy Saligari
Take a proactive approach towards your child’s mental health and discover how to have the conversations that will be life-saving and life-changing.
What do you do if your child struggles with anxiety? Is self-harming? Has developed an unhealthy relationship with eating, exercise, technology or alcohol? Top addiction therapist Mandy Saligari provides the tools to help you identify and address self-destructive patterns of behaviour in your child. Her practical framework reveals how to adapt your approach and nurture emotional intelligence, resilience and self-esteem.
“Mandi Saligari’s book tackles difficult topics in a very matter of fact, effective way by explaining things clearly and giving practical advice. Throughout the book, you will find tables with questions and action points in response of those questions. We found the book to be very informative and to tackle those mental health issues in our children that are often difficult to talk about in a very clear and constructive way.”
by Julie Johnson
This book will guide through the challenges of raising a happy and healthy child – physically and emotionally. With case studies, expert research and tips from psychologists, it will bring you the complete overview.
“Julie Johnson’s book is well designed and covers a range of topics under clearly defined chapters, from explaining what Wellbeing actually is, to covering children’s physical and emotional needs, talking about what to do during difficult times, how to tackle the digital world as well as how mindfulness can be a resource for parents. The book is easy to read and full of practical tips.”
by Gary Chapman
Never before has raising teens been so perplexing. If you are wondering what on earth you’re doing wrong, you’re not alone. But there is hope. By learning to meaningfully express love amid your teen’s many changes, you canstay connected, maintain influence, and help them grow into a healthy adult.
“This book helps you identify your child’s primary love language among the five that Dr Chapman outlines and once you have, how to best communicate with your child using their language. I personally found it eye opening and picked up tips for my own communication with one of my children.”
by Ruth Fox
Ruth Fox is a mental health campaigner, author, footballer and public speaker. She was diagnosed with depression at age fourteen and has since faced a difficult battle with the illness. This book is an honest and unfiltered recount of hew battle with both her illness and the Health authorities during her ordeal. Ruth explains in her book how the beautiful game of football helped pull her back from the brink of suicide.
“As a parent of adolescent children, I found this book really touched me and brought tears to my eyes. It is not an easy read but it is a truly inspiring story of a young woman’s battle with depression and all the things that went wrong for her in her years of battle with her illness.”
by Lauren Callaghan & Adam Shaw
From the heart and soul of lifelong mental health sufferer, Adam Shaw, and the expert mind of renowned psychologist, Lauren Callaghan, this book for young people suffering from anxiety and OCD (ages 6yrs to 17yrs) and their parents and caregivers, is divided in two helpful parts. Part 1 explores how Adam struggled with OCD, anxiety and panic attacks as a child and explains what needed to be done to ensure his path to recovery and beyond. Part 2 is the treatment and recovery approach for children and young people.
“We found this to be an innovative, user friendly self-help book for children and teenagers who suffer from anxiety and OCD. Part 2 is again organised into two sub-sections, one for children and one for teenagers. The children section has attractive and colourful images which, coupled with text that is adapted for younger readersmakes the book very enjoyable and a practical tool for children to use. The second section is directed at teenagers and again we found the language just right for 13 to 17 year olds. Both sections are organised as a workbook to be completed by the children.”
by Celia Lashlie
Sometimes it seems that adolescent boys are from a different planet – they barely communicate, isolate themselves and face temptation from drink and drugs at every turn. It’s no surprise that parents worry about their sons’ behaviours and how they’ll turn out. A parent herself, Celia spent years working in the prison service and knows what can happen when boys make the wrong choices. She has talked to hundreds of boys and what she found was surprising, amusing and in some cases shocking.
“This is a book that we would recommend to any parents of boys who are entering the teenage years. It is a wonderful insight into the boys’ thinking. Throughout the book, Celia Lashlie brings comments from the boys themselves in response to questions and issues raised by parents, and the boys’ answers, at times hilarious and surprising, are often very different from what you would expect.”